Food Programs & Local Wellness Policy


Since good nutrition is important for the learning process, the District’s Food Service Department will continue to serve a nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch provided by Pomptonian. The meals options will still comply with the most recent State and Federal guidelines for food groups, calories and nutrition. Recent changes to these guidelines reflect current research and emphasize lower fat products and more fruits, vegetables and grains. Our Food Services Department participates in the State and Federal lunch programs and acquires many subsidized or free commodities from the Department of Agriculture. This effort to use government programs has enabled the Food Services Department to provide breakfast/lunch at prices below Federal maximums. The cost for breakfast/lunch for the 2023-24 school year is listed below:

BREAKFAST - $3.00 

LUNCH -           $4.50

To avoid the exchange of cash, the option to pre-pay is now available through  PaySchoolsCentral.  You will have the ability to load an amount to your child’s account (which also has a auto-replenishment feature similar to EZ pass). Your child will then pay for the meals with their Student ID so they don’t even have to touch a keypad.

Students that prefer to pay with cash must have the cafeteria staff load the cash into their student ID account before Block 1.  This will eliminate the exchange of money and streamline the lunch line.



We look forward to serving your children nutritious meals to sustain them through the school day.

If you have any issues or concerns creating your PaySchools account, adding students or setting up your payment method please contact the PaySchools Support Center at (877)393-6628 8:30-7:30 EST. Thank you.

PaySchools: Lunch Account "How-To-Guide"
PaySchools: Lunch Account "How-To-Video"


Free & Reduced lunch info 23-24 (Print, Complete, Sign & Return to Main Office)

Información de almuerzo gratis y reducido 23-24 (Imprimir, completar, firmar y devolver a la oficina principal)


Lunch Handling Instructions

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