"Military Service Academy" workshop. Learn about ROTC and college scholarships. Former LRHS graduates, now ROTC cadets, will help educate our current students and parents. REGISTER @ https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtd-GtrD4sE9WttC12IcMMaUtZreoXojDn
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
Virtual College Fair" with 600+ colleges? Sign up to attend live and interactive Zoom sessions. Topics such as: how to apply, financial aid, academics, athletics, and more. https://www.nacacfairs.org/attend/attend-virtual-college-fairs/students/
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
Students, interested in a "Virtual College Fair"? Check out these upcoming panel college presentations! 9/29 - 10/2 https://www.njacac.org/event/njacac-college-exploration-week-panel-presentations/
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
Students, interested in a "Virtual College Fair"? Check out these upcoming individual college presentations! 10/5-10/9 https://www.njacac.org/event/njacac-college-exploration-week-college-fair/
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
Heres some information for COVID-19 mobile testing for the month of September for anyone interested
over 3 years ago, Brie Ellerbrock
Mobile testing
Monday, 9/14 is a RED day wherein RED students will be IN PERSON and GRAY students will be participating in DISTANCE LEARNING!!! All virtual will obviously be virtual!! Any questions, reach out to your hero teachers!! Have a great week, Lancers! #yourcommunityschool
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
How would you respond if your child told you their friend might be thinking about suicide? Webinar on the risk factors & warning signs & how to ACT. Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text ACT to 741741. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V8-_rwe-Qf-9y-eAriV_0w
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
LAST CALL! Seniors, LRHS is offering a school based SAT test on Wednesday 10/14. Interested students MUST complete the form below by TODAY! Payment details to follow. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp1qOyIUaFghb5sVDRRvEX5QpyjXKQODQhbFuoIHR_7PmQqQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, Tim Conway
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Have an amazing day today and never forget our heroes. We can be heroes, just for one day. #9/11
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Free breakfast/lunch for all
over 3 years ago, Rita Mazza
Just a reminder for tomorrow (September 11): ONLY GRAY Cohort FRESHMEN are coming for "in-person" instruction. Everyone else (all 10-12 Grays and 9-12 Reds) will be participating in Distance Learning.
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Attention LRHS athletes. There will be limited busing available to bring student athletes back for practices and games. Students must have their i.d. Here is the bus pick up schedule:
over 3 years ago, John Yost
bus schedule
Virtual selfie with Mr. Thomas’s Class!! #yourcommunityschool
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Ms. Curry’s in person set up is also MAJ #yourcommunityschool
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Mr. White’s Virtual Classroom set up in pretty MAJ #yourcommunityschool
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Attention LRHS Athletes: Due to technical difficulties, athletes returning on either Friday or Monday will now be receiving the daily Covid 19 form in an e mail from their coach. This form needs to be completed every day before your temperature check and practice.
over 3 years ago, John Yost
Welcome back LRHS When virtual ends athletes will enter from West Gym parking lot to Janell's office for temp. check. Daily questionnaire is filled out online. Go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAlpQLSfuqFU6PghKsmcVZAZUx-ENghJ2BtEylbqj9eFArghOjuSg3w/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 3 years ago, John Yost
Just a reminder for tomorrow: ONLY RED Cohort FRESHMEN are coming for "in-person" instruction. Everyone else (all 9-12 Grays and 10-12 Reds) will be participating in Distance Learning. It will also be our first day for our "All Remote" students!!!!!!
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak
Great GRAY DAY!!!!! #yourcommunityschool
over 3 years ago, Michael Novak